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Pretty Rose Shoppe

Colored Contacts

Colored Contacts

Regular price $16.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.50 USD
Sale Sold out
Purchasing this product, you agree that you take the responsibility, onus and diligence of your purchase. We at Pretty Rose Shoppe do not take any responsibility after order has shipped. We are not responsible if you experience any reaction to this product. Please make Sure to use contact lenses precautions while using this product. 
Colored contact lenses are for cosmetic use only and are intended to enhance and/or alter the appearance of natural eye color. The lenses are intended for daily wear or flexible wear (use during the day and remove to sleep) as recommended by the Eye Care Professional. They are not intended for use when asleep. 
If you experience any discomfort, heavy tearing, pain or red eyes, photophobia (light sensitivity), immediately remove the lenses from your eyes and consult your Eye Care Professional.
Do not use contact lenses used by other people or friend. Only the Eye Care Professional can determine the best product for your eyes.
Keep the lenses in room temperature, fresh air and protected from direct sun light while they are in their original packaging.
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